These presentations run about 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 1/2 hours.
The Culinary Herbs–features the most used herbs & how to cultivate them, with close-ups of each plant, many types in bloom, in the garden, & favorite cultivars. Sowing seed for annuals, choosing perennials, & root cuttings are discussed, as well as scent & flavor.
Edible Flowers–the best tasting edible flowers from A (anise hyssop) to Z (zucchini), how to grow them, harvest, prepare, and store them. Discussion on types of plants from annuals and perennials to herbs is covered, as well as taste, identification, and safety.
Combination of Culinary Herbs and Edible Flowers–the two slide shows condensed and combined–the best of both worlds.
Overall/Theme Gardening-featuring the best of flowers, herbs, greens, and vegetable varieties. Highlights gardening basics with garden examples throughout the U.S. Choice selections of the author’s tried and true favorite plants are shown and discussed.
Garden Magic–a variety of plants, gardens, & related ideas are shown to give examples of how gardening can provide beauty, inspiration, fun, food, and endless creativity.